If you wish to achieve an incredible change to your brow for a supreme price, you can sign up as a model to SharpBrows training. There are lots of SharpBrows training (and training licensed by SharpBrows) going on in different countries all the time. It is quite probable that there is one coming close to you soon. Please read the conditions here, and if you so wish, sign up, and you will receive more precise information about it. Here are just some samples of the incredible change that has been achieved on sample models. Please do not forget that the procedure to sample models is always carried out by a SharpBrows master.
Who can become a Sample model?
Basically, there are the same contradictions to coming as a sample model as there are for coming to an ordinary microblading procedure. The absolute contradictions when the procedure can not be completed are the following:
1) a Model candidate is pregnant.
2) Model candidate suffers from a skin disease that causes keloid scars to appear.
3) a Model candidate is allergic to Lidocaine (if anesthetics are used).
4) Model candidate has had botox injected into the upper part of the face within 2 weeks prior to the procedure.
5) a Model candidate is underaged (and has no parent with him/her at the procedure).
6) Model candidate does not experience an initial phase of a hard, complicated decease (cancer, lupus, anemia, leukemia, etc) when the doctor of the client tries different medications and healing procedures.
7) Skin of the brow area is totally damaged and scarred. (That actually is not an absolute contradiction, still, it makes making microblading just pointless).
This means that you CAN come as a sample model if there is previous pigmentation or microblading done to you in the past. However, in case there is intensive pigmentation done, then you might be asked for a picture of the brows before the training. As well as (depending on the concrete SharpBrows master), you may be put on hold if the pigmentation is too intensive. However, once you have been accepted as a sample model, you will get brows from a SharpBrows master. Here you can also see some magical transformations that have been achieved with sample models from SharpBrows training.
Why is it a good idea to come as a sample model?
Basically, there are three great reasons that make coming as a model a great idea.
Firstly, you get fabulous Light microblading brows for a fraction of the price that masters would ask for the procedure otherwise. There is no change in the quality of the brows compared to an ordinary procedure. The one caveat is that it is often very hard to get an appointment. SharpBrows masters as they are busy training in different countries etc. The price of the sample model seat also always includes retouching by the same master, which means that you get exactly as flawless a solution as with an ordinary procedure with SharpBrows master.
The second good reason to come as a model is the following: you will get a microblading experience so you can make a decision if becoming a microblading artist is something that would be interesting for you in the future. Very many models that have later signed up for a course have said that coming as a sample model gave the ideal opportunity to get a better understanding of what is going on during the second day of the training, etc.
The third reason is also connected to the second one: If you make a decision to sign up for a SharpBrows microblading class within 6 months after attending as a sample model, you can get a discount on your booking fee in the amount of the model fee. This means that in case you make a decision to sign up for a class, the fee you paid as a model will be deducted from the course fee. Simple as that.
Sign up now!
Sample model seat costs 149-399€ depending on the country. Please fill in this form; you will receive all details based on your location.
Samples of Light microblading
Here you can see just some results that have been achieved doing Light microblading on models.